Repairs on and in the house: What can I do myself and what can’t I do?

When carrying out repairs on and in the house, individual know-how plays a crucial role. It is important to realistically assess which work is within your own abilities and which would be better left to professionals.

Here are some considerations that can help you assess your own abilities:

1. Confidence versus risk

Before larger projects, owners should consider how confident they are in their own craftsmanship skills. If you are unsure: If in doubt, consider professional help. This is the only way to limit risks during repairs.

2. Experience with tools

Familiarity with the tools needed is crucial. Simple repairs often require only basic tools, while more complex tasks may require more specific equipment. If you have never used them before, you should try them out on very small repairs before using them on more difficult tasks.

3. Previous successes and failures

Another useful consideration is whether similar tasks have been successfully completed in the past. Experiences from successful repairs can increase self-confidence, while failures point to certain limitations.

4. Specialist literature and online resources

Available information can have a significant impact on one’s repair options. If there is access to good literature or online tutorials, knowledge can be increased and more successful repairs can be carried out. Also after a short research itself the basics for repairs Find a washing machine quite quickly. In this way, it quickly becomes clear which interventions are possible yourself and what should be done by professionals.

It is advisable to take time to realistically assess your own abilities and to seek professional help if you are unsure. The right balance between independence and expert advice helps ensure repairs are carried out effectively and safely.

Which repairs are relatively easy to carry out yourself?

Some repairs in and around the house do not require advanced technical skills and can be carried out relatively easily by yourself. Here are some examples of such activities:

1. Painting and varnishing: A little practice ensures good results

Refreshing walls, doors and window frames with a new coat of paint is a relatively simple measure that can significantly improve the appearance of a room. In addition, smaller holes can be filled with filler before painting.

2. Replacement of door and window seals

Leaky seals can lead to energy loss. Replacement is usually straightforward and requires only the use of sealing material and simple tools.

3. Leaky faucet repair

Dripping taps are not only annoying, but can also lead to increased water consumption. The repair often only requires replacing gaskets or washers. Nevertheless, it makes sense to watch relevant videos beforehand. Manual replacement works primarily for faucets that do not have modern mixer taps.

This is how it all works:

Needed tools: Pipe wrench, wrench, new sealing ring

Step 1: Turn off the water

First, the water must be turned off underneath the washbasin or sink. A test run shows whether it worked. Normally, some residual water will initially drip out.

Step 2: Loosen the cover cap

Use a pipe wrench and a cloth (prevents scratches on the fitting) to unscrew the cover cap.

Step 3: Turn off the shut-off valve

Next, the shut-off valve must be turned off.

Step 4: Replace gasket

The sealing ring is located under the shut-off valve. This is secured by a nut, which must first be unscrewed. The porous sealing ring can then be easily replaced.

Step 5: Assemble everything again

In the last step, the nut, shut-off valve and cover flap are reassembled. Last but not least, enable the water flow again and check whether the faucet is still dripping.

4. Replacing light bulbs and switches

Broken light bulbs or light switches can be replaced without any special expertise to maintain lighting in the home. The current should be cut off using a fuse, especially when replacing switches. This is how risks can be avoided.

By taking on such tasks, homeowners can not only save money but also develop a sense of independence and responsibility. However, it is advisable to collect sufficient information in advance and, if necessary, to familiarize yourself with instructions in order to be able to carry out the repairs successfully.

These repairs should definitely be carried out by professionals

Some repairs on and around the house require specialized knowledge and expertise, which is why they are better carried out by professional craftsmen. Here are areas where the expertise of professionals is essential:

1. Work on the electrical system: The risk of accidents is too great

Any work on electrical wiring, especially adding new circuits or repairing malfunctions, should be performed by electricians. Lack of knowledge can lead to serious safety risks. As a tenant there is also a financial risk: anyone who causes major damage will have to pay for it.

2. Heating and air conditioning systems: High potential for failure

Maintaining and repairing heating and air conditioning systems requires specific expertise. Professional technicians can not only carry out efficient repairs, but also help optimize energy consumption. In addition, the potential for errors if work is not carried out professionally is very high.

3. Roof repairs: Incorrect repairs can have expensive consequences

Roof work such as eliminating leaks or replacing damaged roof tiles should be carried out by roofers. Incorrectly carried out repairs can lead to serious water damage and, in the worst case, even damage the building structure.

4. Structural repairs: High risk of damage

Any repairs to the masonry or foundation of the house require a thorough knowledge of construction principles. Experienced construction companies are the right point of contact here. This is the only way to avoid expensive subsequent problems.

Hiring professionals in these areas is crucial to not only ensure the safety of the home but also prevent long-term damage.

It is better to exercise caution than to overestimate yourself

Making repairs to your own home has two invaluable benefits. This includes:

  • Cost savings: Craftsmen are currently in high demand and therefore charge quite high prices. The Reutlingen Chamber of Crafts states that: An hour of craftsmanship costs on average between 60 and 80 euros (depending on region and exact industry). For this reason, homeowners breathe a sigh of relief every time they don’t have to call a repairman.
  • No waiting time: In addition, the waiting time is also an important factor. Craftsmen are still very busy, so it sometimes takes weeks or months before a craftsman can take care of a repair. Those in a hurry resort to emergency services, which are particularly expensive.

Nevertheless, it is important to always be honest with yourself. Anyone who dares to do too much will end up injuring themselves or causing expensive damage. The latter applies even more to tenants if they carry out major repairs on their own without qualifications. However, with the right self-assessment, smaller jobs can be carried out easily.

Assess repairs correctly and ensure they are completed quickly

Finally, it can be said that repairs in your own four walls can often be expensive. The thought quickly arises of doing it yourself and saving money. If you correctly assess your own abilities and only have expert work done by experts, you can actually save money and time on smaller tasks. Tenants, however, should be particularly careful and report any damage that goes beyond minor cosmetic repairs.

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